Did you know?

Did you know?

December 26, 2016 Alan Royle 3

  When the United Artists cast and crew arrived in Prague, Czechoslovakia in June 1968 to shoot this picture, Alexander Dubcek had only recently become the Communist Party Secretary in Czechoslovakia. Unlike his predecessors, he was a man bent on improving the lot of his countrymen by softening the hard-line […]

William Holden – His Life and his Loves

William Holden – His Life and his Loves

January 23, 2016 admin 24

      Holden in Escape From Fort Bravo (1953) William Holden featured in a lot of very good movies during his career. Women adored him, even men grudgingly conceded that he was both rugged and charming, certainly no milk sop. Unfortunately, he was also an alcoholic, from his teens until the […]

Did you know? Points of Interest Part 3.

Did you know? Points of Interest Part 3.

August 18, 2015 admin 4

  Kathlyn & Annette Stephen Ira Beatty Annette Bening became pregnant to her co-star Warren Beatty when they made Bugsy together in 1991. They married, and in 1992 she gave birth to the first of their four children, Kathlyn. At the age of 14, Kathlyn changed gender and became Stephen […]