I would like to apologize for the lack of posts in April. I have been ill and unable to meet my obligations in that regard. I have just completed what will be (I am sorry to say), my final post (dated April 01 2024). To all my readers, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation for your acceptance of my articles down the years, but I fear I am unable to continue at present. A special thanks must go to my most loyal reader, the wonderful Cat from Scotland.  I shall miss you.

Fondest regards Alan


  1. I can only echo Catmac’s and Mike’s comments, Alan, and add that I have marveled at your level of commitment to the blog and particularly your commitment to research and scholarship, both of which I believe have been amply demonstrated across the years.

    As a person of similar age and the prospect and fact of encroaching health issues, I wish you the very best in life and contentment that you have used nostalgia and technology to bring fun stories about real people to the rest of us.

    And I will now peruse your booklist and make some overdue purchases.

    Thank you, Alan.

    Best regards from Los Angeles,


  2. I am so sorry to hear of your illness, Alan. Please get well soon. Your health and well-being must come first. Thank you for your wonderful blog, Alan, it has meant such a lot to me over the years. I have been enjoying your new book, The Dolls. You leave a wonderful legacy through books and blog. Relax and recuperate in the Australian sun. Your loyal readers send you love, respect and gratitude for sharing your passion and talent. It’s been a blast.

  3. I have had great pleasure reading your articles here over the years, Alan. I pray & hope that your health will be restored to you soon. Thank you.

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