Stolen Oscars? Pt 4.

Stolen Oscars? Pt 4.

September 26, 2015 admin 2

  Part 4 of ‘Stolen Oscars?’ focuses on 8 Supporting Actors and just 2 Supporting Actresses. 1944    Barry Fitzgerald in Going My Way Fitzgerald got his Oscar for virtually being himself. In fact, all his movie roles were very similar. In this picture he played an Irish priest, Father […]

Stolen Oscars? Pt. 3

Stolen Oscars? Pt. 3

September 24, 2015 admin 26

  Part 3 of ‘Stolen Oscars?’ looks at some of the individual Academy Award winners who, for want of a better word, purloined their statuettes. I shall start with the Best Actor category. 1930/1             Lionel Barrymore for A Free Soul I haven’t actually seen any of the other nominated performances […]

Stolen Oscars? Pt. 2

Stolen Oscars? Pt. 2

September 22, 2015 admin 6

  The second part of ‘Stolen Oscars?’ commences with 1981. In part one I looked at 10 Oscar-winning movies that, in my opinion, were unworthy. Here are eight more: 1981    Chariots of Fire Chariots of Fire was not a bad movie, but it was a long way from a great […]

‘Stolen Oscars?’ Pt. 1

‘Stolen Oscars?’ Pt. 1

September 20, 2015 admin 10

  Down the decades there have been a number of, shall we say, dubious Oscar-winners who have collected the statuette at the expense of more worthy contenders. Sometimes this is due to studio manipulation of nominations. A classic example of this happened in 1972 when Paramount chose to nominate only […]