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October 15, 2018 Alan Royle 0

    Anastasia (1956) has often been referred to as Ingrid Bergman’s ‘Hollywood comeback’ film, but that is misleading. She had been effectively blacklisted by Hollywood since 1949 over the affair with director Roberto Rossellini that produced a child out of wedlock prior to their marriage. Studios refused to cast […]

The many loves of Ingrid Bergman.

August 5, 2017 Alan Royle 34

  INGRID BERGMAN (1915 – 82)                   Most fans are genuinely surprised to find that many of the screen’s biggest movie stars are diminutive in stature. It probably has a lot to do with cinema-goers seeing their idols enlarged on theatre screens, […]

Did You Know? Shortcuts to an Oscar PT 1.

September 28, 2015 admin 0

  Since Academy Awards have been introduced there have been, by my count, 32 Best Actor or Best Actress Oscars won by players portraying someone with a medical condition or an affliction. No wonder actors go after these roles with a vengeance. They know that a strong performance will almost […]

Stolen Oscars? Pt. 3

September 24, 2015 admin 26

  Part 3 of ‘Stolen Oscars?’ looks at some of the individual Academy Award winners who, for want of a better word, purloined their statuettes. I shall start with the Best Actor category. 1930/1             Lionel Barrymore for A Free Soul I haven’t actually seen any of the other nominated performances […]