WW2 – The stars & their stories – PT11.

November 22, 2019 Alan Royle 0

  DAVIS Jr, Sammy:                                                                                                   Sammy was called up in 1943 when he was eighteen and his experiences in the services were typical of many African-American servicemen during World War Two. He had his nose broken twice in barrack-room fights following racist remarks and persecution from white soldiers. To say, […]

Actors marrying other actors – PT 2.

Actors marrying other actors – PT 2.

July 27, 2016 Alan Royle 6

  ANDRESS, Ursula                –           DEREK, John                        1957 to 1966 (div.)       Ursula and Jean-Paul Belmondo Ursula today A good seven years before she waded out of the Caribbean and into movie legend with her debut in the first Bond film Dr No (1962), Swiss-born Ursula Andress met the fading […]

Paul Newman – Did he harbor a secret?

Paul Newman – Did he harbor a secret?

February 12, 2016 admin 22

  Not many superstars begin their careers with an out and out ‘lemon’, but Paul Newman certainly did. After popping up in a dozen or so TV series between 1949 and 1954, when the television industry was still finding its feet, he landed the romantic lead in a sandals and […]

SPENCER TRACY – A nightmare of a man.

SPENCER TRACY – A nightmare of a man.

August 6, 2015 admin 45

  As an actor Spencer Tracy had few peers and cinema-goers adored him. Off screen he was a very ordinary human being, a man beset with all kinds of problems. He was a violent alcoholic his entire life and a rampant womanizer who had almost as many conquests to his […]