Thirties movie trivia – PT1

February 3, 2018 Alan Royle 0

                  Norma Shearer                               Norma & Jimmy Stewart circa 1939         Mickey Rooney in his Andy Hardy days Norma Shearer’s husband, Irving Thalberg, passed away in September 1936. […]


November 17, 2017 Alan Royle 0

Kate and Barrymore in A Bill of Divorcement (1932) Kate Hepburn made her movie debut in the 1932 drama A Bill of Divorcement, in which the aging John Barrymore played her mentally unbalanced father. Known as ‘The Great Profile’, he invited her to his dressing-room where he promptly stripped naked […]

SPENCER TRACY – A nightmare of a man.

August 6, 2015 admin 43

  As an actor Spencer Tracy had few peers and cinema-goers adored him. Off screen he was a very ordinary human being, a man beset with all kinds of problems. He was a violent alcoholic his entire life and a rampant womanizer who had almost as many conquests to his […]