Steve Cochran
‘Steve Cochran was the sexiest man I have ever known. We made two movies together, The Beat Generation and The Big Operator [both released in 1959], and we were always hot for one another, slipping off for a ‘quickie’ here and there, or meeting after a day’s shooting. Sadly, Steve had a very dark and abusive side, which eventually made me decide not to see him again. He asked me one last time to go with him on his boat to Mexico where he was going to shoot a movie. When I turned him down, he recruited several other girls to go. Steve died of a heart attack on the way and drifted for days with a boat load of girls until the Coast Guard found them.’
Henry Kissinger
‘One who really surprised me was Henry Kissinger, a politician in Washington DC. I never expected to be sitting in the White House and have him reach under the table and try to play with me, or spin me around in the President’s chair. But if Henry hadn’t had dental problems, I would have probably gone to bed with him because I thought he was very sexy, but that turned me off. Marilyn Monroe once cautioned me not to fall in love with a politician because ‘when they fuck you, they really fuck you’. The sexiest men I ever met were Steve Cochran and Steve McQueen. They both possessed a kind of reckless energy that I found, er… arousing. They were also very difficult to get along with in their own ways, but one makes allowances for a good ‘bonk’.’
[On her fourth husband Ross McClintock]: ‘I’d refused to be an ornament for the studios, and I was damned if I’d be one at a bunch of dull cocktail parties. I was in the process of divorcing him and all of a sudden this judge annulled our marriage. Annulled! I lived with that bastard for four months. If we’d been divorced, I would have received a great deal of money, but the ‘old-boy network’ is very tight down here [in Orange County].’
‘Sometimes, I think I made a big mistake by not paying more attention to Prince Axel [of Denmark]. He was looking for a wife and genuinely cared for me. Well, he had the hots for me is more like it. I would have made a great princess. After all, I wasn’t doing anything Grace Kelly wasn’t doing at the time, and the ‘princess’ bit really saved her reputation.’
Burt Reynolds
[On her worst lover and lesbian opportunities]:’I’ve talked about Burt Reynolds. He was the worst. But nobody cares about Burt Reynolds today. I never experienced a lesbian encounter. I had a lot of chances. I turned down Marlene Dietrich, which was kind of a dumb thing to do. If given another chance, I probably wouldn’t have turned her down. That was frowned upon back then, but I always thought that was ‘bull’.’
‘I’ve had hundreds of men. So many of them were good. Then, there were the bad ones. But I turned down more men than I dated. [Clint Eastwood] was always straight and direct. He always knew the most straight and direct path to my dressing-room.’
[Commenting on the time the future female star of Top Gun (1986) and her roommate were assaulted and raped by two men in their apartment in 1982]: ’For a long time I thought I could deal with my anger and hostility on my own. But I couldn’t. I denied that it had affected me, and yet I was so frantic on the inside with other people. I needed to be constantly reassured. It wasn’t until I started seeing myself self-destructing that I realized I needed help. To realize how angry I was and to ask for help – those were the stepping stones. There’s a part of me that wants to be stoic and very strong. I had to realize that the attack wasn’t directed at me, as Kelly. It was random. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. That was the first step toward getting rid of all those hostile feelings I had about it. Still, when you’re a victim of a violent crime – when somebody has taken control over your life, if only for a moment – I don’t think you ever fully recover.’
[On Sophia Loren]: ‘That’s a real working woman. Not like those teenage tots who think once they’ve been in a picture, they’re too important to be gracious enough to their colleagues by being on time.’
[On the 1970 movie Ryan’s Daughter]: ‘Three hours was rather long for a trifling love story.’
Howar & Brando in Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
[After co-starring with Brando in Mutiny on the Bounty (1962), Trevor Howard had had enough of him]: ‘The man is unprofessional and absolutely ridiculous. He could drive a saint to hell in a dogsled. Bugger him and his mumbling.’
ZSA ZSA GABOR (1917-2016)
[Following an incident in 1989, in which she slapped a traffic cop who had pulled her over in Beverly Hills after he noticed that the license tag on her automobile had expired, Zsa Zsa complained to the media]:’You just cannot drive a Rolls Royce in Beverly Hills anymore because they have it in for you.’
‘The only way to learn a language properly, in fact, is to marry a man of that nationality. You get what they call in Europe a ‘sleeping dictionary’. Of course, I have only been married five times, [that total would ultimately grow to nine!] and I speak seven languages. I’m still trying to remember where I picked up the other two.’
[Carole’s last words to the public at an Indianapolis war-bond rally before leaving on a fund-raising flight on January 15, 1942. The aircraft would crash the next day, killing all on board]: ‘Before I say goodbye to you all, come on, join me in a big cheer – ‘V for Victory!’
LOLA ALBRIGHT (1924-2017)
[The stunner from Akron, Ohio, who played singer Edie Hart on the popular TV series Peter Gunn (1958-61), spoke about her privacy]: ‘I gave an interview…it was the first interview I ever gave, many, many, many years ago. More than I care to think. And I rue the day because it was on the front page, above the fold. I didn’t understand at the time how an interviewer could get at you. She would be so persuasive, and so sweet and so kind, and make you say things you never should have said.’
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